On this page you’ll find errors and corrections for the book “Clinical Informatics Board Review: Pass the Exam the First Time (second & third editions)” . Please email us any more you find to [email protected] and we’ll be sure to include them here and in the next update of the book.
3rd Edition:
Page 47, 2nd bullet point says “The vendors create or updates…” The verb should likely be “update” to match the subject of the verb
The clinical informatics study guide changed link locations. The new guide is located at:
It looks like some graphics were left out during printing. Here they are!

6-8. A Sample Pareto Chart

6-10: A Sample Control Chart

6-12: A Sample Scatter Diagram

6-13: A Sample Histogram
2nd Edition:
Corrected Index (physical edition):
Test Breakout:
The book states that 40% of questions are clinical decision making & process improvement and 30% are health information systems. In 2015, that was flipped to 30% of questions being clinical decision making & process improvement, 40% – health information systems.
Find the most current guide from ABPM here:
Page 70 Cost Effectiveness
As stated currently: “Cost effectiveness analysis, as described above, compares the health benefit and the cost in dollars.”
This is the definition of cost-benefit analysis.
Page 144: Question 9
Typo: EVM should be EBM
Page 177: Do While Loop
The explanation should read…The program will execute the “do” block at least once.
If the while loop is false, the program will not execute it and continue on with the rest of the program.
If it is true, the program will execute the while block and then return to the top of the loop (the “do” section) and continue executing until the “while” condition is no longer true, after which it will continue on with the rest of the program.
Page 323 Requirement Specification
The explanation texts for SHOULD or RECOMMENDED is the text that belongs to SHOULD NOT or NOT RECOMMENDED and vice versa.