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About The Book
A straight forward and to the point review book that will help you pass your clinical informatics subspecialty board exam on the first try.
We cover the topics you need to know for your exam in a clear and concise way. Throughout the book you’ll find tons of helpful graphics, chapter summaries, and recommended readings – all designed to help you feel confident with the topics in a manageable time frame.
We’ve also included over 280 review questions for you to test your knowledge of each topic area. All questions also include answers and explanations.
Topics Covered
From Markov to Maslow, We’ve Got You Covered.
Clinical Decision Making
Markov Decision Processes, Bayes, Decision Trees, Pretest and post-test probabilities, epidemiology, and more.
Leading and Managing Change
We bet you didn’t cover project management in med school, but this book does. Learn everything you need to know about leading teams, from the triple constraint to hiring and firing.
Information System Lifecycle
We start with system selection and go all the way up to transitioning and decomissioning.
Data & Programming
If you can’t remember the difference between a class and an object or the last time you had to craft a SQL statement, we’ll help you get back to where you were in no time.
Clinical Data Standards
Learn about the differences between HL7, SNOMED CT, LOINC, RxNorm, NCPDP standards, FHIR, and all the standards you need to know to understand how clinical information systems interface.
Enterprise IT Systems
We cover everything from systems architecture and software engineering to networking topologies and telehealth. And more!
About the Authors
Rocky Reston, MD,
Corinn Pope, MS, PMP is a project manager and web developer. She has managed multiple large-scale health IT projects and developed websites and applications for enterprises and small businesses.